What's new at CEs....

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Dear Families –

The American Heart Association’s Kids Heart Challenge program is kicking off on Wednesday, January 18th! Get started today by downloading the FREE Kids Heart Challenge App for Apple or Android or visiting http://www2.heart.org/goto/Cedarhome. Your child will choose a heart healthy challenge to Move More or Be Kind and earn a FREE Be The Torch Wristband! Our goal is to have 100% of our students register online and learn Hands-Only CPR as a family.

Meet this year’s Heart Heroes and BE THE TORCH TODAY that will light the torch of hope in the fight against heart disease and stroke! (2 min video)

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Grizzly Gazette

Please open the following link(s) for important information:
January 15th
January 7
January 1

Nurse and Health Room Information

COVID INFORMATION:The district has created a specific webpage with all of the Covid related information.  Please go to the sites below for that information:

COVID Information
Elementary School COVID Safety Plan

School Nurse and Health Room Assistant:
Cale Peterson, RN, BSN
Maddie Wheeler, Health Room Assistant
(360) 629-1280 ext 2406

Recent News
